Evil Leprechaun - Writers' Corner

I have a character. Hes not in a story yet, and I dont know if he ever will be. But hes a leprechaun, sort of. The other day I challenged myself to create a ruthless, seductive leprechaun, and he is currently being created. Hes so ruthless that he can torture a man without feeling pity,

I have a character. He’s not in a story yet, and I don’t know if he ever will be. But he’s a leprechaun, sort of. The other day I challenged myself to create a ruthless, seductive leprechaun, and he is currently being created. He’s so ruthless that he can torture a man without feeling pity, yet he is seductive in a very down-to-earth way (the complete opposite of every seductive villain you’ve ever come across). He has a very confused past, and whatever story he winds up being in will study good and evil at a very deep level.

But that’s all besides the point. He needs a name. Preferably Irish in origin, but anything would do. I’m turning the physical image of a leprechaun on its head: he’ll be human-height and have black hair for sure. I’m still uncertain on his eye color. I may go with something unknown in humans like bottle green or silver (or not silver, but something along those lines), or maybe hazel. He can turn invisible at will, and has the skill to spread his camouflage to other creatures. His race–also as yet unnamed, but might not be called leprechauns–has a symbiotic relationship with a type of bird native to this world. His bird also needs a name.

Any ideas?

