WWE NXT No Mercy Results Coverage, Reactions & Highlights For September 30, 2023

WWE NXT is set to hold No Mercy in Bakersfield, California tonight, and they have quite a show prepared. Shawn Michaels is very proud of the companys developmental brand, and they have a big show in store for fans.

WWE NXT is set to hold No Mercy in Bakersfield, California tonight, and they have quite a show prepared. Shawn Michaels is very proud of the company’s developmental brand, and they have a big show in store for fans.

The No Mercy event will begin at 8:00 PM EST, with 7:00 PM EST kickoff show, and it will air on Peacock for fans in the United States. Those outside the United States can watch the event on the WWE Network.

Click here to check out the WWE NXT cold open video package, complete with Nintendo 64 references. They are certainly cashing in on nostalgia.

Carmelo Hayes vs Ilja Dragunov will main event the show. That match will be a banger for the NXT Title.

Since Mustafa Ali was released, Trick Williams stepped up and got that spot. Williams will face Dominik Mysterio for the North American Title at No Mercy. Dragon Lee will be the special referee in that match.

Becky Lynch is also set to defend the NXT Women’s Title against Tiffany Stratton. Also, Noam Dar vs Butch is set to tear the house down in a Heritage Cup match. The Family vs Angel Garza and Humberto Carrillo vs Lucien Price & Bronco Nima vs The Creed Brothers is also booked as a four-way tag team match for the NXT Tag Team Titles.

You can check out the current betting odds for WWE NXT No Mercy here. There could be few surprises in store for fans in Bakersfield, and we can’t wait to bring you the coverage here at Ringside News!

WWE has a big No Mercy event, and so much more, ready for fans. Keep checking back with Ringside News for ongoing coverage of WWE NXT, RAW, and SmackDown. Don’t forget to join the party during No Mercy in our official results section for play-by-play reporting!

There are live results, so keep refreshing as the show goes on to get updated coverage!

Baron Corbin vs Bron Breakker

Baron Corbin faced Bron Breakker in a fierce encounter. Before the official start of the match, Breakker dove over the top rope onto Corbin. The two wrestlers brawled into the crowd, with Breakker even tossing Corbin over the barricade. When security tried to intervene, Breakker took them both out. Corbin retaliated by clotheslining Breakker back over the barricade, much to the disapproval of the crowd.

Corbin then knocked Breakker onto the commentary desk but missed a senton attempt on the table. Breakker eventually sent Corbin back into the ring, and the match officially began. Breakker executed a suplex on Corbin, who countered with a boot when Breakker charged in. Corbin followed with a second rope clothesline.

Breakker kicked out, and Corbin continued to work over him. Breakker fought back, delivering his Gorilla Press and front slam, but Corbin kicked out. Corbin responded with a DVD, but Breakker kicked out as well. Breakker dodged a clothesline and hit the ropes, but Corbin surprised him with a deep six. Both wrestlers exchanged strikes, and Breakker eventually sent Corbin out of the ring.

Breakker attempted a spear, but Corbin lifted him into the air, sending him through a table with a one-armed spinebuster. Corbin crawled away as Breakker sat up, screamed, and speared Corbin out of his boot. Breakker returned Corbin to the ring and signaled for the Recliner. However, Mr. Stone suddenly appeared and dove off the top rope. Breakker caught him and tossed him out of the ring. But when Breakker turned around, he walked right into Corbin’s End of Days, resulting in Corbin pinning Breakker for the win.

Baron Corbin emerged victorious in the match.

Dominik Mysterio vs Trick Williams (Dragon Lee as special referee)

In the NXT North American Championship Match, Dominik Mysterio defended his title against Trick Williams, with Dragon Lee serving as the special guest referee. Before the bell rang, Dominik dropkicked Williams and then argued with Lee about the count. Williams retaliated with a big shoulder block, but Dominik rolled out of the ring and grabbed his title, attempting to leave.

Williams prevented Dominik from exiting the arena by flooring him with a boot. Dominik then worked over Williams, who eventually fired up and launched a flurry of offense. Dominik managed to land a 619, but Williams ducked a superkick that inadvertently hit Lee, sending him out of the ring. Williams capitalized on the situation and landed a kick, pinning Dominik, but there was no referee.

A new referee appeared and counted to two, but when Dominik tried to run the ropes, he collided with the referee. Dominik missed a splash off the top rope, and Williams pinned him, but once again, there was no referee. Williams woke up Lee and attempted to hit Dominik with the title belt. However, Williams ducked, and Williams countered with a leaping knee strike to secure the victory.

Trick Williams became the NEW NXT North American Champion.

NXT Tag Team Championship Match: The D’Angelo Family (c) vs. The Creed Brothers w/Ivy Nile vs. OTM w/Scrypts vs. Humberto Carrillo and Angel Garza

The battle spills outside the ring. Julius leaps from the top rope to the outside, targeting Carrillo and Garza. OTM takes charge against Brutus. Carrillo tags himself in, while Stacks also makes his way into the ring. Carrillo executes a springboard splash, and Stacks counters with a Manhattan drop. D’Angelo and Stacks jointly assault Garza and Stacks. D’Angelo attempts to lift both Garza and Carrillo, but his knee gives out, resulting in a concerning injury. The referee calls for medical assistance, and D’Angelo is helped out of the ring.

Meanwhile, the other competitors resume their brawl. Scrypts climbs onto the apron but is dropkicked off by Nile. Brutus receives a tag and proceeds to clear the ring. He places Garza in an ankle lock. Julius enters the ring and executes suplexes on anyone who dares to step in. Carrillo intervenes to break up the submission hold.

Scrypts climbs onto the apron but is swiftly dropkicked off by Nile. Brutus is tagged in and proceeds to clear the ring of opponents. He applies an ankle lock on Garza. Julius enters the ring and performs suplexes on anyone who attempts to intervene. Carrillo interrupts the submission hold. OTM and Carrillo then launch an attack on Stacks.

D’Angelo makes a limping return to the ring, despite the efforts of referees and officials to restrain him. He headbutts an official and powers through the pain to clear the ring. A four-corner superplex spot leaves everyone down. Price and Nima execute their finishing move on D’Angelo, but Stacks intervenes to break up the pin.

Brutus hoists Nima for an avalanche Brutus Ball, but Carrillo breaks it up, and Garza dropkicks Nima off Brutus’ shoulders. Brutus subsequently lands a springboard Brutus Ball outside the ring. Stacks and D’Angelo execute their finishing move on Price to secure the victory.

The D’Angelo Family retains the NXT Tag Team Champions.

Noam Dar vs. Butch NXT Heritage Cup

Round One

The match begins with circling and a collar and elbow tie-up. Dunne gains control with a wristlock, but Dar quickly reverses it and takes him down. There’s a back-and-forth reversal of holds, with Dar kneeling on Noam’s shoulder and bending his arm back into an armbar. After a shove off and a shoulder block exchange, Dar takes Dunne down with a kick and applies a headlock. Dunne escapes with a shot off the ropes and counters with a lariat. As the timer counts down, Dar lands a cheap shot right as the round ends.

Round Two

Dar starts with a low crossbody into a cover, but Dunne kicks out at two. He attempts a hanging DDT fake out into a kick to the face, but Butch manages to kick out again. Dar follows up with a sliding knee and the Beats of the Bodhran, while Meta-Four tries to interfere, and Oro Mensah delivers a kick from the floor. Dar finishes this round with a running enzuigiri, winning the first fall by pinfall and taking a 1-0 lead.

Round Three

Dar begins the round with kicks, and both wrestlers go for crossbodies, ending up down and out. Dar nearly scores a victory roll, but Dunne responds with a superkick and a blocked moonsault. Dar charges in, but Dunne counters with an elbow and hits the Bitter End, winning the second fall by pinfall and evening the score at 1-1.

Round Four

Butch starts this round with mounted forearms, hammering away and blocking Dar’s kneebar attempt. Dar manages to lock in a bodyscissors sleeper. However, Dunne reverses it into an armbar. Dar then transitions into a triangle choke, but Dunne counters with a stomp to the bicep. A suplex attempt by Dar is blocked, and the X Plex doesn’t secure the win. Dunne goes off the top rope with a triangle choke attempt, but the round ends without a submission.

Round Five

During the twenty-second break, Meta-Four pulls the unconscious Noam Dar into the corner to rouse him. Dunne starts this round with windmill strikes, backing Dar into the corner. Dar is slumped in the ropes, and Dunne attempts a pumphandle, but it’s blocked with knees. Dunne catches a kick and hits a big back elbow, but Dar kicks out. Dar climbs to the top rope, but Butch cuts him off with a superplex that comes close to ending the match. On the apron, Dar lands a kick and follows with an apron brainbuster. Lash Legend rolls him back inside for a cover, but Dunne manages to kick out. As the clock runs out, Pete bends Dar’s hand down and stomps it into the mat just as the round ends.

Round Six

In the final round, both wrestlers trade forearms, with Dunne landing punches and lighting up Dar. Off the ropes, Dunne attempts a rebound German suplex and follows with a stomp to Dar’s hand and a buzzsaw kick. Oro Mensah intervenes with a cheap enzuigiri. Noam Dar pulls Pete’s mouthpiece out and lands a running enzuigiri, but Pete Dunne refuses to stay down. Tyler Bate enters the fray and beats down Mensah.

Dunne attempts the Tyler Driver ‘97, but Dar kicks out. He then goes for a pumphandle, but it’s reversed into a kneebar by Dar. Pete reverses it into a seated armbar and snaps Dar’s fingers. Another pumphandle attempt is reversed, and Dar kicks out of the Bitter End. Dunne transitions into an armbar, bending Dar’s fingers back, and Gallus interferes by beating down Tyler Bate at ringside. Butch saves his friend with a plancha, followed by a pump kick while the referee is distracted. Joe Coffey slides into the ring, and Dar takes advantage of the chaos by securing a pinfall.

Noam Dar wins

Carmelo Hayes vs. Ilja Dragunov- NXT Championship

Dragunov promptly initiated the confrontation against Hayes, causing Hayes to be sent to the floor with a big boot on the apron. After Hayes returned, he managed to bring Dragunov down. The champion seized the upper hand, but Dragunov countered with a clothesline in the middle of the ring.

Dragunov succeeded in maintaining control over Hayes. However, Hayes eventually retaliated and brought Dragunov down. Dragunov quickly regained his momentum, delivering multiple strikes to the champion. Hayes became fired up and unleashed a series of chest chops, ultimately sending Dragunov down with a powerful face slap.

Sound drops from Carmelo Hayes accompany jerseys dropping from the rafters, symbolizing his victories over Bron Breakker, Ilja Dragunov, Grayson Waller, Noam Dar, Wes Lee, and others during his NXT Championship reign. Another Dragunov jersey falls, implying his confidence in winning tonight.

Carmelo Hayes enters with his regular theme, heading to the ring with a determined demeanor for his title defense. He briskly walks to the ring, ready for the co-main event. After formal ring introductions, the bell rings.

Dragunov immediately charges at Hayes, launching a fierce attack. He aggressively stomps the champion, establishing a strong offensive presence early in this highly anticipated title match.

This dynamic continues for several minutes, with Dragunov dominating the offense. Hayes eventually fights his way back into the match, and the crowd passionately supports him as he gains control. A beautifully executed bulldog from a backward springboard impresses the audience.

A resounding “This is Awesome!” chant erupts as Hayes struggles to put Dragunov away. A spectacular coast-to-coast maneuver leads to a near-fall that ignites another enthusiastic chant from the Bakersfield crowd. Hayes knocks Dragunov down and heads to the top rope, but Dragunov interrupts before Hayes can execute his move.

The crowd chants “Holy sh*t!” as Dragunov seems to secure the victory with two H-Bombs but falls short of the three-count. Vic, on commentary, mentions almost uttering a word that could have gotten him fired. Hayes delivers a powerful kick that leaves Ilja dazed, but Dragunov kicks out of the ensuing pin.

The crowd passionately chants “NXT! NXT!” as the match reaches classic status. Hayes executes an inverted cutter on Dragunov from the hardest part of the ring apron to the floor at ringside. Both competitors lie on the ground, prompting another “This is Awesome!” chant.

Hayes reenters the ring, and as he leaps from the top rope, he’s met with a hefty clothesline. Dragunov ascends to the top rope and executes an incredible super-H-Bomb. He covers Hayes, securing the three-count and claiming the pinfall victory. Ilja Dragunov is the new NXT World Champion.

Winner and NEW NXT World Champion: Ilja Dragunov

Becky Lynch vs Tiffany Stratton – NXT Women’s Title

Becky Lynch went to the ring with a grocery cart loaded with weapons. The commentators note that Stratton already has brass knuckles on her hand. The battle between these two erupts immediately, spilling out of the ring and into the crowd. They waste no time in wielding weapons.

As they continue to brawl through the crowd, Lynch grabs a necklace or some item and uses it to strike Stratton. Back in the ring, Stratton briefly regains control, but Lynch quickly mounts a counterattack. She sends Tiffany tumbling out to the floor and then leaps from the ring apron to take her down. Lynch pushes the grocery cart and crashes it into Tiffany.

“The Man” pummels Tiffany with an assortment of barbie dolls and toys, attempting to secure a pinfall. Tiffany manages to kick out. Lynch hurls the barbies at Tiffany as she retreats to the floor to recover. Tiffany uses a trash can lid as a makeshift shield while Lynch continues pelting her with objects.

Stratton took the fight to Lynch as they returned to the ringside area. She brought a toolbox into the ring and retrieved various weapons to attack Lynch. After executing a sidewalk slam, Stratton went for a pinfall.

Using a steel chair, Stratton struck Lynch on the back, but Lynch eventually regained control. At ringside, Lynch placed Stratton inside a shopping cart and sent it crashing into the steel steps. Back in the ring, Lynch attempted a pinfall after slamming Stratton onto broken Barbie dolls.

Stratton tried to launch a trash can at Lynch, who responded by putting the trash can over Stratton’s head while she was draped over the middle rope and delivering a leg drop. Stratton countered and attempted a pinfall after slamming Lynch onto the trash can.

Several steel chairs were introduced into the ring by Stratton. Lynch slammed Stratton onto the chairs and applied an arm submission. Stratton managed to powerbomb Lynch onto the steel steps after both wrestlers ended up on the apron. Outside the ring, Lynch sent Stratton into the barricade.

Lynch positioned Stratton on the commentary table, but Stratton quickly retaliated by knocking her down. Stratton then executed a Swanton Bomb from the top rope, crashing through a table set up at ringside with Lynch on it. Back in the ring, Stratton tried to secure a pinfall after hitting a second Swanton Bomb.

However, Stratton’s luck took a turn when she missed the Prettiest Moonsault Ever from the top rope to the floor. Lynch capitalized by executing a Manhandle Slam at ringside. Stratton kicked out of Lynch’s pinfall attempt when they returned to the ring. Stratton retaliated by sending Lynch into the steel chairs, but her follow-up Prettiest Moonsault Ever also missed its mark. Lynch retained her championship by slamming Stratton onto the chairs with the Manhandle Slam.

Winner and STILL “NXT” Women’s Champion: Becky Lynch

Keep refreshing as the show continues for live results!

